Goddess6: Hey wats up? HannahMontana7: Its my birthday! Goddess6: Happy Birthday! HannahMontana7: The stuff on my wishlist are pretty cheap. BennytheBabe: Can I borrow 56 credits? SarahGirlzz has left. You're clothes right now look awesome tho.

In fact theres this awesome Lakers tee that costs 600 credits. *virual tear* Candy04, do you wish you to exit? SarahGirlzz: So wat do u like to do? BennytheBabe: Basketball actually. Do I really have to get into this? JennG: we were gonna get married.

RuthFo3333: SLLLLUUUUTTT!!! (suckerpunches and leaves) Telilly5: :'( Candy04: Hey there wats going on? JennG: YOU STOLE MY BOYFRIEND! Candy04: Dude. Telilly5: (dressed in busty corset, miniskirt, red eye makeup, and knee high boots) Hey. Previous guy: Hey sexy wanna go out? BustyBabe99: okay YolandaM: hey wats up? Rifraf: howdy! woah pam grier! YolandaM: wat? Rifraf: oh shed be way efore your time YolandaM: how old r u? Rifraf: fiddy YolandaM: wait brb YolandaM has left. Imvu guy: hey sexy? (changes background to beach) Imvu girl: (changes into bikini) sure Guy: wanna go out? Girl: kay Five minutes and an "x" out of the orevious chat later.