Finding Dory's themes of teamwork, perseverance, family, friendship, and unconditional love are relatable for even the littlest kids. But in the end, the "happily ever after" adventure is still appropriate for viewers of virtually all ages, and Dory's story is ultimately uplifting, as is the movie's treatment of her disability, which is never ignored. There are other stressful separations between friends, too, as well as some peril and tense moments (like a predator giant squid the characters need to get away from and action-packed escape antics), as well as slapstick and near misses. until she forgets what she was looking for. In the front, the condition of Dory offered glimpses of. Like most Pixar movies, there are some very emotional moments, including an early montage in which young Dory - separated from her parents (a situation that may very well upset younger kids) - searches the ocean for them. watch finding dory online : It Finding Dory is the continuation of Finding Nemo, 2003 film in which Marlin, a neurotic fish, orange and insecure, crossed the ocean looking for his little son with the help of another couple of fish, including Dory, the fish desmemoriado stars in this film. This time, instead of a parent searching for a child, the story revolves around Dory looking for her family. What can she remember Who are her parents And where did she learn to speak Whale Afdah Review: This. Parents need to know that Finding Dory is the sequel to Pixar's 2003 classic Finding Nemo. Dory is reunited with her friends Nemo and Marlin in the search for answers about her past.