Light and Dark clash in a town where everyone waits to Duel. If walkthrough is usable don't forgot thumbs up Aiden and share this with your freinds. Yu-Gi-Oh 7 Trials To Glory: World Championship Tournament 2005 for Game Boy Advance USA version free on. So you wanna have a good deck?Well, read this.First get the 'Seto Standard' deck.Then buy two 'Volume 3'Packs.That will give you a chance with Bakuras' good cards and great attacks.Next, get a 'DARK Collection' if you want to have a good DARK deck.The 'DARK Collection' and 'Volume 3' packs make a good match with a DARK deck.For a WATER deck,get the 'WATER Collection' then get about two 'Volume 1' packs.It makes a good WATER deck.Tia uses WATER cards alot.So they make a good match.'Volume 4' is a mixture of cards.Yugi always has a mixture of cards.Get two 'Spellcasters Collection' for great cards that will save you time with your weak cards.Gain DP and but the last two decks and put them each seperatly.Pick your deck.Then start dueling again.Every 2 weeks there are new shipments of cards.The cards have great durability.And make sure you have the card 'Magic Jammer'.Most of your opponents will use it to take away your trap card.Use a trap card remover to take out the 'Magic Jammer'.Make sure you have a range between 39-70 or higher cards.Or make a different strategy for a great deck.This guide is highly recommended. Yu-Gi-Oh 7 Trials to Glory: World Championship Tournament 2005, known as Yu-Gi-Oh Day of the Duelist: World Championship Tournament 2005 in Europe and Yu-Gi-Oh Duel Monsters International 2 in Japan, is a Yu-Gi-Oh game for the Game Boy Advance. This walkthrough for Yu-Gi-Oh 7 Trials to Glory Game Boy Advance has been posted at by Aiden and is called 'FAQ/Walkthrough'. Yu-Gi-Oh - 7 Trials to Glory - World Championship Tournament 2005 Game Boy Advance ( / GBA), y. Play Yu-Gi-Oh 7 Trials To Glory: World Championship Tournament 2005 game on GBA online.